Friday, April 1, 2011


Here is my list of 10 For my dad!! He is one special dude. My dad and I have always had a close relationship. My sisters said I'm the favorite! I just think I was the first kid he had and I was his test kid. We both learned together...and really are still learning about how to be a kid and a parent. But I love this man and here are my top 10 reasons why.

What I love about my dad....

1. My dad is old school and I mean  O L D S C H O O L!!!  It makes me laugh he has always taught me to work hard, be respectful of people. I love that we don't think the same...sometimes its nice to see a different side of a situation.

2. When we were little my parents fought and quite a bit...But my mom told me a story that has always stuck with me about my dad. They had been fighting and my mom had kicked him out of the house. My dad was the sole income for our little family back then. And my mom had said that after she had kicked him out she was worried sick about how to pay the house payment and utilities....even how she was going to get food for us kids. When she went to the bank that Friday she expected to see a few cents in their account. But to her astonishment my dad had put his whole check into the account like he always did...That has always stuck with dad could have been an ass and kept the check for him self but instead he knew he had responsibilities and he took care of them. That to me is the definition of a good man, husband, and father.

3. How funny my dad is without trying to be funny. He isn't quick witted like his wife or girls. He says funny things not meaning to be funny. And we love it. We are always waiting for the next line my dad will say.

4. He is always been good about apologizing which sometimes I think as a kid is all you really need to hear. If my dad was wrong when we were little about something he would come in later that night and we would talk about it. If he wasn't wrong he would still come in and talk about it.....almost clear the air about it. You knew after one of his talks he had forgotten about it and it was "water under the bridge" as he would say.

5. How much he loves my mom gives him a bad time, but you can tell that he loves her to pieces. He is still very affectionate towards hers I only hope that Chris and I are this way after 35 years of marriage.

6. He is a wonderful son to my grandparents,he would do anything for them. He is an even more awesome grandpa and loves his grand kids to death.

7. He is extremely tender hearted...And I love that he is. You would never know that he is by looking at him but he is. I think that's where his girls and son got their softer side.

8. The old cowboy in him...he still thinks he is a cowboy and I think its great!
9. My dad and I don't talk as much as I would like now that I am older but if I had a problem I know I could go to him..He will always be there and that is very comforting to me.

10. I'm not sure why this one is last but my dad is as hard working as they come. He worked his butt off to provide for 5 kids and a wife. I cant imagine how stressful that would be. But he did it and made it look easy. I love you dad!

So proud

 I'm very proud of myself. I know its only day 3...OK technically day 2 because I stole my first set of photos, BUT these pictures I took myself. I thought about it last night when I was putting up my Easter stuff...HEY this is springy! So here are my photos for my spring photo challenge!
Yes these are lights shaped like eggs

Happy Easter everyone!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


So as I was looking through my posts I noticed that I haven't done my brother or my dad on my top 10. It seems only fair that I do them also...seeing as how I wouldn't be here without one of them. And the other one I remember how excited I was to get. After 4 girls a boy was a nice change. So here it is on my bro. What I love about this boy! My brother Chanse......

1. He is a good dad. He tries very hard to make sure that his son grows up to be a responsible adult. And he loves his son to pieces. And that boy loves his dad. Even though Chanse isn't with his son's mother any more I love how close he and K.C. are.

2. I'm not sure if this is cause he grew up with so many girls or not but I love how sensitive he is. He gets his feeling hurt very easily...But with that being said he also gets his feelings hurt for other people. He doesn't like mean people.

3. He is NOT outspoken not at all...nothing like his sisters. Very quite, waits for his turn to speak, Its a nice change from 4 wait make that 5 including my mother very outspoken women to have someone that's not. I love that about him.

4. He is a very hard worker....very hard worker. And because of how hard he works he was able to buy a home all by himself. He is very proud of his home and he should be he worked damn hard to get it.

5. He is very wouldn't think he was looking at him. But when ever he sees me one of the first things I get is a hug. And it has been that way since he was a baby. I love how he doesn't care if anyone is looking or if his friends are around. He has never been too cool to hug his sisters!

6. His ability to fall in love so fast...I also think this is a down fall of his, which is why he has two engagement rings and no wife. But if my brother gives you his heart its yours.

7. How close he and my dad are. My dad was soo excited to get a boy, and since he has been born my dad and brother go hunting every year with each other. My dad looks forward to those trips just as much as my brother does.

8. He is still a mama's brother will ask my mom for advise on everything...but I shouldn't just say my mom. He will ask his sisters too. And he takes to heart what you tell him. I'm a little scared for the girl that decides to finally marry my brother...haha

9. How generous he is, he would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. No questions asked.

10. He is a bit of a nerd....I think everyone is a bit of a nerd but he has liked wrestling since he was a kid and STILL watches it. Now he takes my nephew Chase to them..haha And I'm sure when K.C. gets older he and his dad will attend the nerd fest too!


So spring is suppose to be in the air....but if you live in Utah then you know all too well that it can be spring one day, and the next day its a snow storm. So last night after getting home I wanted to get some of the leaves from last fall and some branches that had fallen (from the neighbors tree i might add) and get them in the garbage. So Chris and I went out and did some yard work. Now let me just make this very clear to everyone. I have no green thumb, nor do i like to garden. In fact I hate it....but what I hate even more is looking like the neighbor with the crappy lawn. So out we went. After words it was late and I saw we had gotten an Arctic circle's ad, with some pretty good deals. So out we went again...which leads me to my first picture of spring. (Remember I stole yesterdays pictures from her) And here it is my picture of Spring time yeah!!!

Oh and P.S. It was delicious!!! And a bargain at only a $1.99 thanks arctic circle.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


It seems that I have stopped blogging when I run out of challenges for myself...So I take it that I will need to be a little more creative with my self in order to keep my little blog little blog of 2 people that read..haha! Any way...this is my thought I will take a picture of Spring can be anything really flowers, the grass showing signs of life. My new shirt I decided to get for summer, even though most of my wardrobe is the same colors, grey and black. It just goes from long sleeve to short sleeve in the summer months, but its still new to me and springing for me too. Now I don't want you guys to think that I came up with this all on my own cause I didn't....I got it from Krystn and she in turn got if from this blog. So we both stole it...hahaha. I just added my own spin on it so that it will get me motivated to blog again... So here are my photos for today and no I didn't take the pictures, yes I did steal them from Spunkyphoto aka Krystn. But they are pictures of me and my family and its almost spring and I just thought of this a few minutes ago so, here they are. Our family pictures..oh and btw it only took an act of God to get these things taken. But I love how they turned out.

Mom and this pic

Gma & Gpa...when I first saw this picture it made me teary eyed...I don't know exactly why but I just love this picture. Maybe its cause I know they wont be here forever and I think this picture captures them and their story, old and a little worn but still the loves of each others lives.

All of the nieces and nephews...So cute!

Look at this group can you believe it!

Shay and Grey

Cristy Chase and Roo

Chanse & KC

Me and my honey Chris oh and btw my sisters kept on giving me crap about this picture but I love the way it came out!

And Kori Jamie and their group Koy, Maddy, Brooke, Porter, & Evil Peyton!!! She looks innocent enough but let me tell you she isn't! haha

Friday, March 18, 2011

What to blog

So maybe I had a little too much fun on St. Patty's day.....cause today I'm in no mood to list a top 10 love list. But on the bright side that is OK...Cause I'm pretty sure the 30 days is up. So I did complete it like I wanted, and I still want to go through and list a few more people from my family...just not today. I hope that everyone had a great, fun, but safe St. Patrick's day.......Just like I did...maybe a little too much fun.....I need some Tylenol.

Third time is a charm at getting both of us in the picture...geeze! Not that this is a flattering on of him! yikes lol love you honey!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Pattys Day!!

You know I really LOVE me some St. Pattricks day. So instead of doing another family love I think I will do it on what I love about this day! Its such a fun day....well I think.

 What I love about St. Pattys Day.....

1. I love how everyone wears geen.

2. I love that the people who dont wear green get pinched.

3. That my sister and I get together with our husbands and friends and go to Bostons each year. We get the beer from there...and omg its soo good. Normally im not a huge beer drinker but Bostons bear is very good and they make it green for St. Pattys day.

4. There is something about the Irish that I like. I havent found it yet...but im pretty sure we have Irish some where in our blood line....I mean come on where else would I get is fair skin and all these freckles from?

5. Its just a fun little Holiday thats not a huge deal you dont have to buy anything for it. Its just something different and fun.

6. The parades that they do. They are fun to watch and people get all dressed up.

7. It reminds me of my trip to Ireland...If you ever get a chance to go.....DO!!! Its one of the most beautiful places I have ever been, not to mention greenest. It really is a beautiful place.

8. The t-shirts with their clever sayings like "kiss me im Irish" or "Lady Luck" stuff like that.

9. Green is flattering color on me and brings out the green in my eyes.

10. Everyone is drunk and happy by the end of the day!